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Home | CLEAN-FLOW 350 Self-cleaning collective waterer
CLEAN-FLOW 350 Abreuvoir collectif autonettoyant

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  • CLEAN-FLOW 350 Abreuvoir collectif autonettoyantCLEAN-FLOW 230 Abreuvoir collectif autonettoyantCLEAN-FLOW 230 Abreuvoir collectif autonettoyant
  • CLEAN-FLOW 230 Abreuvoir collectif autonettoyantCLEAN-FLOW 230 Abreuvoir collectif autonettoyant

CLEAN-FLOW 350 Self-cleaning collective waterer

Self-cleaning collective trough combining animal welfare and water savings.
SKU REF : 2491

Save time & reduce water wastage with this trough, designed to stay clean longer than a conventional collective trough.

See the Video

  • 6 specially designed bowls: self-cleaning effect when drinking. The animal reabsorbs any food it may have released. The bowl stays clean!

  • Watering capacity identical to a conventional 3,50 m trough, i.e. around 60 productive cattle.

  • Tool-free opening cover protecting a JUMBO 80 l/min (at 3 bar) valve for rapid bowl filling. Brass elbow ¾” M supplied.

  • Quick, easy cleaning thanks to very smooth sides and two Ø100 mm “dry hand” drains.

  • Heavy-duty double-skin HDPE one-piece construction. 20-point wall mounting.



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Save time & reduce water wastage with this trough, designed to stay clean longer than a conventional collective trough.
What water savings can you make ?

With a conventional 2.30 m, 110-litre collective trough used by a batch of 40 dairy cows cleaned once a week, the volume of dirty water thrown away is at least 5,720 litres per trough per year.
The CLEAN-FLOW 350 stays clean longer (watch the video) and the volume of water to be emptied is minimal. By cleaning it every two weeks, the volume of dirty water thrown away will be almost 10 times less than with a conventional trough, which means savings of more than 5,000 litres per year per trough. You’ll also save time on the chore of cleaning, the pit will fill up less quickly, the cows will be on less damp ground (for healthier hooves) and the water will be of better quality!
Débit l./Min 80
Longueur (mm) 3530
Largeur (mm) 450
Hauteur (mm) 536
Code barre 3599150052153
Mode d'approvisionnement en eau Water network
Raccordement en eau 3/4”
Robinetterie Constant Level
Matière Polyethylene

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