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How to determine the best location for indoor drinkers?

The location of the water points depends on the surface area of the building, its lay-out, the type and size of the herd. The diagrams below present some examples:


  1. Drinker between two lambing pens or lamb parks: BABYLAB drinkers with push tube or LAC5 or LAC55 single or double drinking bowls with constant water level.
  2. Drinkers visible from the feed alley or the service alley. In a 5 m wide straw area, you should install the drinkers at a distance of approximately 5 m. Choose a drinker that is suitable for the risk of freezing:
  • Without frost protection: BABYLAB, LAC 5, NORMANDY
  • Frost protection by circulation: BABYLAB T (+ pompe SPEED-FLOW)
  • Drinkers with heating system: NORMANDY, LAKCHO 2
  • Isothermal drinkers (without electricity): THERMOLAC B

Goat barn

Drinkers with the back side to the feed alley.

In general, install the drinkers with the back to the feed alley to keep them clean for a longer time. Space them sufficiently far apart to minimise the impact of dominant animals. Caution: only use metal drinkers (cast iron, galvanised steel, stainless steel).

  1. Drinker at the exit of the milking parlour: OVICAP 240 : Give preference to a large drinking trough with a decent flow rate to allow a large number of goats to drink at the same time.
  2. Single access: BABYLAB ; or heated drinker: BIGCHO 2. The cast iron BABYLAB drinkers with push tube are ideal for goats. However, they will lower the milk production in the winter when the water is too cold. Therefore, it is recommended to use a heating system:
  •  Drinkers in a circulation system: BABYLAB T (+ SPEED-FLOW pump + THERMOFLOW heater)
  • Drinkers equipped with a heating system of 80W: BIGCHO 2

Préférences RGPD
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