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Home | Horses | Drinking solutions for horses | HEATING CABLE 24V for water supply
C162 câble chauffant antigel pour tuyau d'arrivée d'eau

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  • C162 câble chauffant antigel pour tuyau d'arrivée d'eau C162 câble chauffant antigel pour tuyau d'arrivée d'eau C162 câble chauffant antigel pour tuyau d'arrivée d'eau

HEATING CABLE 24V for water supply

Heating cable for frost protection of water supply
SKU REF : C162
1,50 m long heating wire especially designed to protect drinking bowl water supply from freezing.
Aluminium tape included.
Maximal length of protected pipe: 1,15 m. Can be cut.

SELF REGULATING HEATING : The colder the pipe is, the more the cable heat.
Max capacity: 27 W/m

Have to be connected to a transformer 230/24 V (to order separately).
Shipping delay: J+10
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The aluminium tape optimizes frost protection.
(Recommended on plastic water pipe).
Puissance électrique (W) 27 W/m max
Tension éléctrique (V) 24
Longueur (mm) 1500
Code barre 3599150021807
Matière Synthetic

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