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BLUE LEVEL connected gauge for tank

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  • BLUE LEVEL connected gauge for tankBLUE LEVEL connected gauge for tankBLUE LEVEL connected gauge for tank
  • BLUE LEVEL connected gauge for tank

BLUE LEVEL connected gauge for tank

Secure the water provision for your animals and rest easy

Connected level gauge for tank in pasture with alarms by e-mail or text message.

Ultrasonic sensor suitable for all tanks: cylindrical, rectangular or cubic, metal or polyethylene tanks, on wheels or stationary.

Watertight IP67 CE ultrasonic sensor. Communicates its measurements several times a day on low-speed network (see "OUR ADVICE").
Easily installed on all types of tanks in a vent hole or specially drilled hole. 3 screw thread diameters: Ø2” - Ø1”½ - Ø1”¼.
2 pre-installed and easily replaceable LR03 batteries (3 to 5 years’ service life).

Installation and activation only take a few minutes.
Precisely measures the water level and ambiant temperature.
Entirely designed and manufactured in France.
Also suitable for fuel and others liquids.

Intuitive interface compatible with all computers, smartphones and tablets:
At a glance: Current water level, remaining days before filling, average consumption, follow-up of the consumption...
Alarms by text message / e-mail sent according to your instructions. (5 text messages per month are included, unlimited number of warnings by e-mail).

Comes with one year communication on the LoRa® network (IMPORTANT:  see "INFORMATION" below)

Shipping delay: J+10
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No more stress, you can plan ahead when to refill your tank.
Management of several Blue-Level-connected gauges with display of each tank on a map is possible.

Suitable for water but also for fuel, lubricant, Adblue, additive, red diesel.
How to choose the BLUE LEVEL communication system?
Depending on the geographic location(s) of your gauge, choose the network with the best coverage:

> Check out the LoRa coverage: Check it there
> Check out the Sigfox coverage: Check it there

And take the BLUE LEVEL sensor you need:
- LoRa = Ref. AE30
- Sigfox = Ref. AE31
Longueur (mm) 60
Largeur (mm) 60
Hauteur (mm) 120
Code barre 3599150050722
Matière Synthetic

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