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Home | Solar pump station SOLAR-BASIC
SOLAR-BASIC pump set

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Solar pump station SOLAR-BASIC

Solar pump station SOLAR-BASIC 12V
SKU REF : 2200

Autonomous solar pumping set designed for livestock.

Content of the set:
- 12V immersed pump; Capacity: 125 l/h according the aspiration depth.
Up to 1200 liters pumped per day
- Solar panel 12V/55Wp with mounting frame
- Regulator to protect battery from deep discharge
- Weatherproof box for battery and regulator
- Floating sensor to set the pump on/off
- 25 m long electric cable (for the pump)
- 25 m long hose
- All fittings and accessories.

Not included :
12V/85Ah Battery (Recommended Dim. 280 x 175 x 190 mm)
Autonomy up to 5 days without sun with a water consumption of 1200 l/day.

Shipping delay: J+10
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The SOLAR-BASIC set can pump up to 1200 litres (317 USG) a day.
You economise on the utterly unproductive time used to transport water with your tractor… It also helps to preserve the riversides.
Have your pump overhauled regularly (every 2 to 5 years depending on the quality of the borehole). LA BUVETTE offers you a fixed rate for pump maintenance. Take advantage of the low season to have your pump overhauled and have it operational by the next high season... Contact your dealer for advice.
Puissance électrique (W) 55 W
Tension éléctrique (V) 12
Longueur (mm) 680
Largeur (mm) 430
Hauteur (mm) 570
Code barre 3599150051125
Mode d'approvisionnement en eau Well, stream,river
Robinetterie Constant Level

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